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About Our Company

The ABG-ANALYTICS.COM web site and subscriber-based E-mail service is owned and operated by ABG ANALYTICS AND CONSULTING, LLC, a limited liability company organized in Washington DC.

We seek to apply our research and analytical capability to understanding the "not completely random" behavior of stock prices and to developing mechanical trading systems that exploit such deviations from randomness. We have studied dozens of books and articles on technical analysis and econometrics of finance, converted these ideas into mechanical trading methods, and put the ideas they contain through extensive statistical testing. Through this process, we have learned a great deal about what works and what does not. In some cases we have verified, and in others we have rejected, many of the claims we have read along the way.

By combining various technical indicators and risk management techniques, and applying robust tests, we have developed our own mechanical trading systems. We provide the output of these systems to our subscribers.

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